In addition to the usual conference track, this year ILP offers a Journal Track. For a short summary of each track, see below.

The conference has established several awards for the best papers. More information can be found in the awards page.


We are delighted to introduce a Journal Track whose accepted papers will be published in the Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on Inductive Logic Programming – ILP 2017 and 2018, collecting the best papers coming from ILP 2017 and 2018.


Papers for the Special Issue are solicited in all areas of learning in logic, multi-relational data mining, statistical relational learning, learning in other (non-propositional) logic-based knowledge representation frameworks, exploring intersections to ILP and other machine learning approaches are invited. However, given the special nature of the journal track, only papers that satisfy the quality criteria of journal papers and at the same time lend themselves to conference talks will be considered.

The journal track allows continuous submissions from October 2017 to the beginning of February 2018. Papers will be processed and sent out for review after each of the following three cutoff dates:

  • 17th November 2017
  • 29th December 2017
  • 5th February 2018 Extended: 12th February 2018

The deadline on each of these dates is midnight, Central European Time.

Papers rejected at this track are welcome to the conference track.

Additional information about the submission guidelines is available at


Submissions must describe original results on all aspects of learning in logic, multi-relational learning and data mining, statistical relational learning, graph and tree mining, relational reinforcement learning, connections with other learning paradigms, and learning in other logic-based knowledge representation frameworks.

We welcome also papers rejected at the Journal Track.

We solicit four types of submissions:

  1. Long papers describing original mature work containing appropriate experimental evaluation and/or representing a self-contained theoretical contribution. Accepted long paper submissions will be split in regular papers, accepted for appearing in Springer LNAI conference proceedings, and up-and-coming papers, accepted for appearing in CEUR proceedings, depending on the maturity of the submitted work. Regular papers will be assigned a long time slot for presentation, up-and-coming papers will be assigned a shorter time slot for presentation.
  2. Short papers describing original work in progress presenting preliminary results, brief accounts of original ideas, and other relevant work of potentially high scientific interest but not yet qualifying for the long paper category. Accepted short papers will be assigned a reduced time slot for presentation and will be published on CEUR proceedings.
  3. Work in progress abstracts describing ideas and proposals that the author(s) would like to present at the conference. Submissions will be accepted/rejected on the grounds of relevance. Accepted abstracts will be assigned a reduced time slot and will be published on the conference website but will not appear in the conference proceedings.
  4. Papers relevant to the conference topics and recently published or accepted for publication by a first-class conference such as ECML/ PKDD, ICML, KDD, ICDM, AAAI, IJCAI, etc. or journal such as MLJ, DMKD, JMLR etc. These will be accepted/rejected on the grounds of relevance and quality of the original publication venue. Authors of accepted papers will be assigned a reduced time slot for presentation and will not appear in the conference proceedings, however a link to the original work will be inserted in CEUR.

Important Dates:

  • Conference Track Abstract Submission (cat. 1 and 2): 16th May 2018 Extended: 28th June 2018 (Strict)
  • Conference Track Paper Submission (cat. 1 and 2): 23rd May 2018 Extended: 2nd June 2018 (Strict)
  • Conference Track Paper Submission (cat. 1 and 2): 3rd July 2018
  • Conference Track Paper Submission (cat. 3 and 4): 18th July 2018
  • Conference Track Paper Notification (cat. 3 and 4): 23rd July 2018

The deadline on each of these dates is midnight, Central European Time.

Additional information about the submission guidelines is available at